Conversations with Champions


  • Deep dive into the minds of sales champions
  • Get Best Practices training from the world's greatest sales people on a variety of topics
  • Over 100 hours of audio interviews with top performers to stream or download
  • Over 200 pages of Josh's personal notes to download
  • Comments sections to ask Questions, Share Takeaways & Successes

What People Are Saying:

“Hey bud, just listening to your financial call now. Nuggets were creating a specific vision, having make/save/giveaway goals. And when something cool happens that saves you money – put it away, don’t just keep it. That happened to me this weekend and I socked some away. Thanks again!”

Ian Conners - Annapolis, MD

“I love listening to Josh Mueller’s audios. They get me so fired up! They just help everything make so much sense from a sales standpoint and they’re so genuine.”


“ man!!! Thanks so much for sharing all these audios. I've been listening to 1 a day for the last 5 or 6 days. I owe a tremendous amount of credit to you and everyone on those calls. Big ups my man.”

Jacob Thall - St Helens, CA

“Thank you for the value you add to my career and the career of so many others. I appreciate you and all you continue to do for our community. Even just the indirect ripple effect of all your work has impacted my business. Most of all thank you for your time."

Taylor-Max Ricart - Miami, FL

“Thank you so much for taking the time to share and make another fantastic audio. I am going into what may be my biggest event to date, and truly needed these encouraging words. Thank you.”

Wendy Mizelle - Deming, NM

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