Conversations With Champions

Could you improve in areas like goal setting, closing deals, managing mindset, thinking big, managing time, marketing, generating repeat business, social media, and more? 

Get front row seats and shorten your learning curve as Josh Mueller digs in with champion sales performers from around North America to understand what they're doing to not only achieve big results BUT sustain them too. 

Josh cut his teeth in business building a mult-million dollar distributorship selling CUTCO knives and has helped the company develop and pioneer multiple sales programs responsible for hundreds of millions in sales. 

CUTCO is known for developing amazing salespeople & entrepreneurs which is why companies around the US regularly look for resume experience working with CUTCO when interviewing candidates. 

In his work consulting for CUTCO Josh has conducted over one hundred interviews with top sales performers and this tool is the Greatest Hits from those interviews. 

With this FREE audio program you get:

  • Access to over 100 hours of audio interviews
  • Access to over 200 pages of Josh's personal notes 
  • Leave Comments & Ask Questions
  • Notifications when new audios are added



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